Threat of Xylella Fastidiosa

Xylella fastidiosa is a bacterial plant pathogen which is transmitted by pests, specifically xylem fluid-feeding insects such as the spittlebug (Philaenus spumarius). The bacterium colonizes the xylem vessels of the plant, which blocks the uptake of water and nutrients essential for plant health.

Once this happens, severe symptoms of Xylella become apparent. This often leads to plant death as Xylella cannot be cured.

The spread of Xylella fastidiosa has been rapidly increasing across Southern Europe, damaging and destroying entire olive and almond orchards. One of the most impacted regions in Europe is the region of Apulia (Italy), where olive production diminished by an alarming 65%-80%. Heritage 400-year-old olive trees have been destroyed and an estimated 100,000 jobs have been lost. Similar outbreaks have been reported in Spain, Portugal, France, and other regions.

To date, there is no organic solution available on the market to battle the devastation caused by Xylella. Effectively, this places the economic and social-cultural sustainability of Europe at risk

Project overview

As a response to the increasing Xylella outbreaks in Europe, the BIOVEXO Project explores innovative biopesticides, which target the Xylella bacterium.

Six candidate biocontrol solutions acting either against Xylella or its vector will be tested within the BIOVEXO Project:

  • two bacterial strains
  • a microbial metabolite
  • two plant extracts
  • an entomopathogenic fungus

These biopesticides will be tested for use in curative and preventive approaches of Xylella fastidiosa. Following the small-scale on-field validation and improved formulation, the BIOVEXO Project aims to upscale production of best-performing biopesticides.

A large pilot scale on-field validation of control strategies for integrated pest management, including a real-life evaluation in two major Xylella outbreak regions in Europe will be conducted.

The BIOVEXO biopesticides will be demonstrated in a combined and integrated approach (IPM) on traditional and newly planted olive orchards in Apulia (Italy) and Mallorca (Spain). Additional testing will be done on almond trees.

BIOVEXO will provide a mechanistic understanding of the biopesticides’ mode of action to support final product development. Moreover, it will ensure environmental and economic sustainability in preparation for a smooth market entry.

The BIOVEXO Project is a Bio-Based Industries Joint  Undertaking (BBI-JU) Innovation Action .

Project Objectives

The BIOVEXO Project aims to produce and test innovative biopesticides, bringing them to a TRL 7 (close to market entry) for use in organic and non-organic production systems, specifically:

  • Reducing Xylella pressure and disease severity in olive cultivation
  • Protecting and securing long-established olive orchards
  • Preventing Xylella infections and disease in new olive plantations
  • Securing and sustaining jobs in disease affected areas
  • Ensuring continued olive and almond cultivation

Project Partners

The BIOVEXO Project brings together 11 partners from 5 countries across Europe. Click the logos to find out more, or check out the partner’s websites using the links!

Centro di Ricerca

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

RTDS Association (RTDS) is a non-profit SME supporting the implementation of EU research & innovation projects to optimise use of the results for maximum impact. RTDS provides professional Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (DEC) and project management services in a range of areas: food, agriculture & forestry, associated processing technologies, energy and manufacturing. RTDS participates in ten H2020 / BBI-JU projects, five of which as Coordinator.

RTDS is the Coordinator of BIOVEXO and the leader of Work Package 7 (Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication).

Universiteit Antwerpen

Universidad de Sevilla

Globachem NV is an international, family-owned agrochemical company specialized in developing, registering and marketing high quality crop protection products for agriculture and horticulture. Globachem conducts research in its own labs, greenhouse and trial fields as a swift and agile response to new developments. To this end, Globachem R&D also teams up with universities, research institutes and companies using state-of-the-art techniques to co-develop research results with a high potential into innovative agrochemicals.

Globachem is the leader of Work Package 2 – Active substances for V-biopesticides for vector control and Work Package 6 – Project sustainability and toxicity.

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) is the largest public research organization in Italy, whose mission is to carry out, promote, transfer, encourage and enhance research in the main sectors of knowledge in order to apply the results for the scientific, cultural, technological, economic and social development of the country. Amongst the 109 Institutes belonging to the CNR, the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (CNR-IPSP) is specifically dedicated to plant protection in agriculture and forestry.

CNR-IPSP-Bari plays a prominent role in all activities aimed at testing the efficacy of developed biopesticides and bioinsecticides in vitro and in planta. CNR-IPSP-Bari also coordinates the definition and harmonization of shared protocols for field assays with partners operating in different geographical areas. CNR is the leader of Work Package 4 – Large scale validation of control strategies for integrated pest management.


Asociación Agraria Jóvenes Agricultores

Aimerit SL is a 4th generation family farm located in the town of Santa María del Camí in the Balearic Island of Mallorca and well-known locally for its extension and biodiversity. The farm, which borders the World Heritage Tramuntana mountain range, is focused on maintaining biodiversity, protecting the environment and the sustainable production of crops. Out of a total extension of 173 Hectares, 110 ha are cultivated with almond, carob and olive trees. 65 Ha have been certified for organic production for 16 years. The farm contains 1925 almond trees, 500 olive trees ranging from (5 to -15 years of age), 2600 centennial carob trees and 800 “acebuches” or wild olive trees – some of which are clearly affected by Xylella.

Aimerit conducts field trials of the biopesticides on olives trees and almond trees.

RTDS Association (RTDS) is a non-profit SME supporting the implementation of EU research & innovation projects to optimise use of the results for maximum impact. RTDS provides professional Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (DEC) and project management services in a range of areas: food, agriculture & forestry, associated processing technologies, energy and manufacturing. RTDS participates in ten H2020 / BBI-JU projects, five of which as Coordinator.

RTDS is the Coordinator of BIOVEXO and the leader of Work Package 7 (Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication).

Globachem NV is an international, family-owned agrochemical company specialized in developing, registering and marketing high quality crop protection products for agriculture and horticulture. Globachem conducts research in its own labs, greenhouse and trial fields as a swift and agile response to new developments. To this end, Globachem R&D also teams up with universities, research institutes and companies using state-of-the-art techniques to co-develop research results with a high potential into innovative agrochemicals.

Globachem is the leader of Work Package 2 – Active substances for V-biopesticides for vector control and Work Package 6 – Project sustainability and toxicity.

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) is the largest public research organization in Italy, whose mission is to carry out, promote, transfer, encourage and enhance research in the main sectors of knowledge in order to apply the results for the scientific, cultural, technological, economic and social development of the country. Amongst the 109 Institutes belonging to the CNR, the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (CNR-IPSP) is specifically dedicated to plant protection in agriculture and forestry.

CNR-IPSP-Bari plays a prominent role in all activities aimed at testing the efficacy of developed biopesticides and bioinsecticides in vitro and in planta. CNR-IPSP-Bari also coordinates the definition and harmonization of shared protocols for field assays with partners operating in different geographical areas. CNR is the leader of Work Package 4 – Large scale validation of control strategies for integrated pest management.

Aimerit SL is a 4th generation family farm located in the town of Santa María del Camí in the Balearic Island of Mallorca and well-known locally for its extension and biodiversity. The farm, which borders the World Heritage Tramuntana mountain range, is focused on maintaining biodiversity, protecting the environment and the sustainable production of crops. Out of a total extension of 173 Hectares, 110 ha are cultivated with almond, carob and olive trees. 65 Ha have been certified for organic production for 16 years. The farm contains 1925 almond trees, 500 olive trees ranging from (5 to -15 years of age), 2600 centennial carob trees and 800 “acebuches” or wild olive trees – some of which are clearly affected by Xylella.

Aimerit conducts field trials of the biopesticides on olives trees and almond trees.