20th April 2022
20th April 2022, Alicante, Spain
¿Se puede controlar la plaga de Xylella? ¿Qué soluciones de tratamiento y prevención existen? ¿Cuál es la situación en la Comunidad Valenciana?
El Xylella Forum de este año, organizado por el proyecto BIOVEXO, debatirá estas cuestiones desde una amplia perspectiva, que incluye tanto a agricultores y productores de almendra, como a la comunidad científica y empresarial implicada en investigar y desarrollar soluciones contra la plaga, sin olvidar a las comunidades locales afectadas.
l foro contará con las aportaciones de máximos expertos en la materia, conocedores de la situación a nivel español y europeo, así como de varios investigadores que trabajan activamente en la plaga, incluyendo expertos de proyectos financiados por la Comisión Europea, p.ej. BIOVEXO.
Tras las exposiciones, tendrá lugar una mesa redonda en la que se debatirá de forma abierta la situación real y las posibles soluciones futuras. El panel está compuesto por representantes de la industria de la almendra, expertos en desarrollo local y agricultores afectados.
Al finalizar la jornada se ofrecerá a los asistentes una copa de vino local y cena networking, tipo buffet, en las mismas instalaciones del evento, el Hotel Maya de Alicante.
Program in English. Programa en español.
To register, clic here. Para inscribirse, clic aquí.
El idioma será en español con alguna excepción en inglés.
15th of December 2021
Bio-based chemical products - a key to sustainable economy
15th December 2021, Vienna/online
The annual event, organised by Austrian Ministry for Climate (BMK) and Austrian Association of Chemical Industries (FCIO), takes a look at current R&D activities in the field of “bio-based industry” financed by the BMK or the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU). It offers actors from business, science, associations and politics in this field a platform for networking and exchanging experiences.
The rich program features a.o. Philippe Mengal, Executive Director of BBI JU, introducing the new Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU), or Stephen Webb, CEO of RTDS, presenting the project BIOVEXO.
Whereas the above contributions will be in English, most of the others will be in German. The event starting at 9.30 will be streamed; a registration at the program page is requested.
28th of October 2021
Status quo, expectations & research
28th October 2021, Locorotondo, Italy
Can Xylella disease in olives be controlled?
How far are we in developing treatment and preventive solutions?
What is the situation in Italy?
These were the issues discussed during this year’s Xylella Forum organised by the BIOVEXO project in Apulia in October 2021. A large number of participants, not least from the farmers’ community, clearly indicated how much expectation there is on research.
Some of the key messages from the discussion:
- There is an urgent need to raise farmers awareness and responsibility, particularly in the buffer and containment areas, to apply regional sanitary prescriptions for vector control and containment measures.
- Farmers and general public in the “North” of Apulia and beyond need to be made aware of the drasticity of the situation in the “South” of Apulia.
- There is an urgent need to develop biocontrol solutions to implement in an IPM strategy.
- Farmers need financial and technical support for removal of infected trees, grafting, and replacement of susceptible cultivars with resistant ones.
- Public administration needs to rely on science to propose reasonable and effective measures and to deliver proper communication campaign.
If you are interested in the presentations from the Forum, click here, for the list of speakers here.
Thanks to the organisers and all those who contributed to the success of the Forum!
29th of July 2021
1st Review Meeting
29th July 2021
Our very first review meeting took place online the last week of July 2021. Whereas we still have to wait for the verdict of the reviewers and the funders, we all appreciated very much the constructive atmosphere of the review as well as the input of the reviewers into the upcoming work and activities.
29-30th of April 2021
3rd European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa
29-30th of April 2021
During the online event, organised by EFSA and our sister project XF-Actors, BIOVEXO project was presented by the scientific coordinator from AIT Austrian Institute of Technology to the key Xylella fastidiosa stakeholders, i.e. to 900 people registered from more than 60 countries worldwide.
25th of November 2020
5th Agribusiness Conference
25th of November 2020
BIOVEXO project, presented by consortium partner ACIES Bio, wins at the 2nd Agribusiness High-tech competition and the Farm2Fork hackathon event. The Agribusiness high-tech competition and the Farm2Fork hackathon were a part of the 5th Agribusiness conference on new technologies in agriculture held in Slovenia.
The aim of the conference was to demonstrate the technological modernization of agriculture in Europe across the entire industrial chain. There were up to 100 participants, including key industrial experts, policy stakeholders, SME representatives, honoured guests and more.
22nd of September 2020
2nd Consortium Meeting
22nd of September 2020
The BIOVEXO partners met for the 2nd time in a virtual Consortium Meeting session. Progress was shared by all 11 partners. Milestone 2 ‘First decision on promising compounds’ has been reached. Deliverable 1.1 and Deliverable 2.1 have also been internally discussed and will be completed by the end of September. Upcoming plans for the remainder of the year were discussed. Internal mid-periodic reporting has been launched.
12th-13th of May 2020
1st Kick-off meeting telco
12th – 13th of May 2020
Our very first kick-off meeting took place on the 12th and 13th of May 2020, as the BIOVEXO project officially started on the 1st of May 2020.
A fantastic 2-day virtual session was held with our project partners, along with the presence of our PO from the BBI-JU – Ms. Ana Cuadrado Galan.
Project implementation was discussed for the coming year. All in all, an successful start to BIOVEXO!
We look very forward towards our next meeting, hopefully it will be a face-to-face consortium meeting.
Thank you to all participants and see you soon.
Name of the event | Date | Location | Partner attending |
BIOVEXO Multi-Project Stakeholder Meeting | 23rd Jan 2024 | Duoro, Portugal | All Partners |
The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology & The Bioeconomy 2023 (EFIB) | 24th-25th Oct 2023 | Rotterdam, Netherlands | ACIES BIO / RTDS |
EFSA 4th European conference on Xylella fastidiosa | 19th-20th Aug 2023 | Lyon, France | AIT / CNR / RTDS |
Clustering Event: Fomento de la bioeconomía andaluza mediante proyectos europeos | 5th July 2023 | Andalusia, Spain | DOMCA |
Clustering Event: BIO-BOOST project | 28th June 2023 | Andalusia, Spain | DOMCA |
Coffee with Scientists | 5th June 2023 | University of Sevilla | USE |
Workshop: “Contributions of Toxicology in the research of the safety of substances and for society” | 19th May 2023 | University of Sevilla | USE |
PestNu Clustering Event on IPM and Biopesticides | 28th February 2023 | Online | AIT / RTDS |
Coffee with Scientists | 10th February 2023 | University of Sevilla | USE |
ESIB 2022 | 14th-16th November 2022 | Graz, Austria | RTDS, ACIES BIO |
XXIV Congreso Español de Toxicología y VIII Iberoamericano | 9th-11th November 2022 | Córdoba, Spain | University of Sevilla (USE) |
ABIM 2022 | 24th-26th October 2022 | Basel, Switzerland | GLOBACHEM |
EU Projects on fight against Xylella CDG olive oil, DG AGRI, European Commission | 25th October 2022 | Online | CNR |
III Congreso Nacional de Estudiantes de Biociencias, Contribución de la investigación a la seguridad alimentaria | 20th-22nd October 2022 | Córdoba, Spain | USE |
IOC Olive Resilience Workshop | 27th-30th September 2022 | Lisbon and Évora, Portugal | DOMCA |
European Researchers Night | 30th September 2022 | Grenada, Spain | DOMCA |
International Phytobiomes Conference 2022 | 13th-15th September | Denver, CO, USA | AIT |
UNIA Environment workshops 2022 | 29th August 2022 | Andalusia, Spain | DOMCA |
EU Horizon Europe Info Day | 20th July 2022 | Online | CNR |
Microbe-Assisted Crop Production symposium | 11th-14th July 2022 | Vienna, Austria | AIT |
Advanced microscopy techniques for plant- microbe interaction analysis | 4th-8th July 2022 | Tulln & Vienna, Austria | AIT |
PlantBioProtech 2022 | 28th-30th June 2022 | Reims, France | AIT |
ONE EFSA Conference, electronic poster | 21th-24th June 2022 | Brussels, Belgium | RTDS |
14th International Conference Plant- Pathogenic Bacteria | 3rd-8th June 2022 | Assisi, Italy | CNR |
LNF Tulln | 20th May 2022 | Tulln, Austria | AIT |
Jornadas de Toxicología: Seguridad alimentaria y Drogas de abuso | 20th May 2022 | Spain | USE |
SETAC /Soc. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry | 15th-19th May 2022 | Online | USE |
MACFRUIT 2022 | 4th-6th May 2022 | Rimini, Italy | DOMCA |
MPU 2022, 16th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union | 4th-8th April 2022 | Limassol, Cyprus | AIT |
Talk at High School Virgen de Consolación | 14th February 2022 | Utrera, Sevilla | USE |
Talk Science with scholars | 11th February 2022 | Spain | USE |
BBI Dialogue Vienna | 13th December 2021 | Vienna, Austria | RTDS |
Promoting BIOVEXO in SECH 2021 | 20th October 2021 | CNR | |
Promoting BIOVEXO in ABIM 2021 | 19th October 2021 | Basel, Switzerland | AIT |
Promoting BIOVEXO in Fruits Attraction | 30th September 2021 | Spain | DOMCA |
3rd EU Conference on Xylella fastidiosa | 30th April 2021 | Brussels, Belgium | AIT |
5th New Technologies in Agriculture Conference Farm2Fork Hackathon | 24th November 2020 | ACIES | |