Press release on new method of rapid Xylella detection developed by BIOVEXO project partner DOMCA
New Publication Sheds Light on Rapid Detection of Xylella fastidiosa in Olive and Almond Trees
The BIOVEXO project is excited to share a groundbreaking new publication by our project partners CNR, AIT, and DOMCA.
BIOVEXO Magazine December ’24
Dear BIOVEXO Community, As we draw the year to a close, we are excited to bring you the End of the Year Newsletter, filled with significant updates and insights from the BIOVEXO project. Thank you for your continued support and interest in our mission. Warm regards, The BIOVEXO Team
BIOVEXO Joins the NextGenBioPest Stakeholder Forum
The BIOVEXO project is thrilled to join the NextGenBioPest Stakeholder Forum, an initiative brought to life by the SmartAgroHub consortium.
BIOVEXO Magazine November ’24
Welcome to the BIOVEXO project magazine! Discover innovative solutions to combat Xylella.
A New Study Indicates Presence Of Natural Traits Of Resistance To Xylella Fastidiosa In Leccino Offspring
The recent publication ‘A survey in natural olive resources exposed to high inoculum pressure indicates the presence of traits of resistance to Xylella fastidiosa in Leccino offspring’ highlights the progress made in fighting Xylella fastidiosa.
Transformative potential of harnessing the plant microbiome for sustainable crop production, a new study shows
In response to widespread Xylella infections in Apulia and the Balearic Islands, containment measures like removing infected plants and controlling vector populations are being implemented. Ongoing BIOVEXO field trials with selected biopesticides have shown promising results, and the completion of these trials is awaited to confirm their effectiveness against the...
Xylella control and Prevention: 4 Ways Europe’s Olive Production Can Survive the Disaster
Xylella control and Prevention: 4 Ways Europe's Olive Production Can Survive the Disaster As olive lovers, olive traders and, above all, olive growers know, for a number of years European olive groves and European olive production have been suffering. The reason for that suffering is that olive trees, first in...
Great Britain introduces new Xylella measures for March 2021
The UK's Chief Plant Health Officer released a statement in February 2021, stating that new Xylella measures are to come into force on the 4th of March 2021.
Xylella fastidiosa threatens 1000-year-old monumental olive trees in Europe
Xylella is on the verge of spreading to areas which are home to monumental olive trees, some of which are more than a 1,000-years old. Click here to learn more.